Sunday 4 September 2011

Im the Velveteen Rabbit

You stare at my eyes
like they have no end,
like you dont know
that I am a friend.

Am I a vision of past maybe,
a toy that you once knew.
Maybe you have forgotten,
that I am yours too.

If I dance like a faery,
or dress like a bear
would you pick me
to love and care?

If I stood like giant,
to help you see,
would you finally notice,
the one who loves you is me?

I am the velveteen rabbit,
for you I do pine,
but only in my dreams
can I embrace you as mine.

I am the velveteen rabbit,
left wanting since you were born.
Tears in my heart,
my fur tattered and worn.

I long to be REAL
to feel your love and play
to be admired and wanted
but you walk away.

To be REAL is to know
to feel, to show, the array
of the love that I carry.
But still, you walk away.

I wait in the garden
stitched smile on my face
and one day you will find me
and put me in place

Then you will notice
the stamp on my paws,
remember the love I carried
and will forever be yours.

My love for you can not go away,
can not expire, nor decay,
can not be lost or go bad
I will love you forever
because I am your Dad.

Friday 12 August 2011


One day I am going to wake up from this life of hurt and pain;
The hurt emotions, dissapointment and broken hearts that I have issued and been bestowed to me will all wash away as I rinse my morning tears.
Sun will burn my eyes and cold air chill my lungs as I embrace reality.
Then realisation will shadow as I remember the love, the laughter, the happy thoughts that must also transluce with the dream